This page has info about my characters, and possible worldbuilding. None of it is very cohesive yet, but hopefully i get there someday. Basically everything on here is a Work In Progress

Felix Ferreira

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Mouse
Birthday: July 20th
Height: 4'6"
Weight: 94 lb
Job: Pilot


Felix was raised in Sunfalls, a small town on Tomorrow Island. He is currently training to become a pilot. Other than that, not much is happening in his life at the moment. The biggest highlights of his life these days are the times spent doing things or doing nothing with his buddies.

Even though he's pretty alright with his current state, he often finds himself wishing something eventful would happen, preferably something that would send him on an adventure or give him a greater sense of purpose.

Marie Blanchet

Age: 20
Gender: Female
Species: Goat
Birthday: March 27th
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 180 lb
Job: Pizza driver


Recent high school graduate Marie is still trying to figure out what to do with her life. She is known to be a bit of a troublemaker, with a history of late nights, fights and violence. After she lost control one night and ended up in jail, she has since sworn off alcohol and drugs and is currently getting her life back on track. She works as a pizza deliverer, and wants to save enough money to go to college, but isn't sure what for yet.

Kana Morozova

Age: 28
Gender: Female
Species: Cat
Birthday: December 11th
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 236 lb
Job: ?


A very isolated person for most her life, Kana made her fortune in her teens and early 20s, motivated to get as far from people as possible and to get an early retirement. Both a genius and an extremely paranoid person, she spends most of her time on her private island tinkering with computers and probably illegal weapons.

Jasper Arbore

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Sheep
Birthday: November 8th
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 129 lb
Job: C-Mart employee


Jasper is a creative mind, who is always painting, writing, sketching, or songwriting whenever he isn't at his job. His artistic endeavours haven't been that profitable, so hes been stuck working at C-Mart to support himself and his partner, Casey.

Casey Durrell

Age: 24
Gender: Male
Species: Deer
Birthday: January 2nd
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 176 lb
Job: Unemployed


Casey is a wandering guy, grounded by nothing but a mostly empty gas tank. From a young age, he was discontent and disillusioned with "modern" living and eventually made the decision to simply leave society. Mostly. He still hangs around on the outskirts of town, in his camper that he fixed himself.

He keeps himself busy with hobbies such as fishing and writing songs. While he is mostly content with his standard of living, he hopes to make more of his life someday.

Piper Biermann

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Dog
Birthday: July 27th
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 117 lb
Job: Park operator


Piper is a cheerful, friendly girl who spends most of her time working at Fourleaf Park, helping out at her Dad's bar, or socializing. She has many goals and dreams such as becoming a singer or a biologist, travelling the world, getting married, writing a book, etc. She's a bit afraid to take the first steps to achieve any of these goals, partly due to the high expectations she sets for herself, but tries to distract herself enough to not worry about it too much.